Indian Salad Dressing – Creamy Yoghurt Dressing Recipe
This is an Indian salad dressing that is super creamy and spicy. We use yoghurt asour base and add a range of herbs like coriander and dill. It has the spicy element added through the chillies and is also healthy and great for your gut.
1 jar ideally you will have a jar to hand to shake all of the ingredients together
3 - 4 tbspyoghurtyou can use greek style, plain or non dairy. Greek style is probably the best option!
1tspturmeric powder
1tspkashmiri chilli powder
1tspcumin powder
1tsp kashmiri chilli flakes
1tsp garlic powder
1tspblack peppercracked black pepper
1tsponion saltor normal salt! Check salt levels and add salt to taste.
Herbs + fresh ingredients
handfulcorianderfresh coriander
handfuldillfresh dill
2green chillies
Chop up your dill, coriander, chillies, garlic and place that all in your jar (you can use a spare jar you have lying around or you could just mix this together in a bowl). You should finely chop up all of these ingredients, for a smooth creamy salad mixture.
Add all of your yoghurt, herbs, fresh garlic, chillies and seasonings. Give that a really good shake and ensure its mixed really well. For context, I was probably shaking this salad mix for like 5 minutes.
Drizzle this on to some leafy greens of choice and your salad toppings. I chose to use spinach, rocket, romaine lettuce, crispy chickpeas and chicken! This is an ideal healthy lunch for me.
the nutritional information is an estimate automatically calculated using the WPRM recipe maker and I am not responsible for its veracity.